Evaluation & Planning

F1. Is there a bike program manager or primary point of contact for bicycling issues at your local government?

A citizen volunteer is appointed by the government to help the community become bicycle-friendly.

F1a. Provide contact information if different from applicant.


F2. Is there a Safe Routes to School Coordinator?

Currently, no one is focused on Safe Routes to School educational programs and infrastructure improvements.

F3. How many government employees (including the Bicycle Program Manager and the Safe Routes to Schools Coordinator), expressed in full-time equivalents (FTE), work on bicycle issues in your community?


F4. Does your local government provide any of the following professional development opportunities for employees who have bicycle-related responsibilities? Check all that apply.

Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) membership, Other professional memberships/accreditations related to bicycles , Attend bicycle-related webinars/trainings , Attend bicycle-related conferences , Present at bicycle-related webinars, trainings, or conferences

F5. Does your community have an officially-recognized Bicycle Advisory Committee?


F5a. How often does the committee meet?

Monthly or more frequently

F5b. Provide contact information for the Bicycle Advisory Committee Chair.

Rik Ahlberg, rikahlberg@mac.com

F6. Does your local government have an internal equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI)initiative, committee, or position?


The League of American Bicyclists’ mission is to create a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone. EDI is an important part of ensuring that community investments and practices related to bicycling work for everyone and are not distributed disproportionately to a particular demographic of your community. Everyone deserves safer streets, better mobility, and improved access to community resources and opportunities. We believe that an EDI initiative, committee, or position is important to building a Bicycle Friendly Community so that improvements to bicycling reflect community engagement and areas of need.

F7. Does your community have a comprehensive bicycle master plan or similar section in another document?


F7a. What year was the plan adopted?


F7b. Provide a link to the plan.


F7c. Is there a dedicated budget for implementation of the plan?


F7d. Does your plan include a goal to increase bicycle facilities?


F7d1. Please list or describe these goals.

Add bicycle facilities during routine maintenance and repaving activities, pursue funding for Cape Cod Rail Trail extension along Route 6, include separated bicycle facilities during Shank Painter Road reconstruction, increase public bicycle parking.

F7e. How have community planning staff reached out to minority, non-English speaking,and/or low-income communities to ensure that they are included in the decision-making process?


F8. What other local agencies have a bicycle master plan or similar section in another transportation demand management document? Check all that apply.

Transit agency , Parks & Recreation, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Regional Planning Commission, County/Borough/Parish

F9. Is community-wide bicycle planning integrated with planning for any of the following: Check all that apply.

Transit stops, Public & private schools (K-12), Hospitals and medical centers, Parks & recreation centers, Subsidized or public housing

F10. What percentage of the community’s total annual transportation budget – on average over the last five fiscal years – was invested in bicycle projects?


F11. Is bicycle-related funding specifically allocated to underrepresented areas of your community? (e.g. low-income neighborhoods, etc.)


F12. How many lane miles of planned bicycle facilities does your community expect to have installed in the next four years?


F13. How many lane miles of bicycle facilities has your community installed in the last two years?


F14. How does your community collect information on bicycle usage? Check all that apply.

Regular manual counts of bicyclists on the road, Regular counts of parked bicycles at other destinations (downtown business district, etc.)

Additional files may be uploaded at the end of the application.

F14a. Utilitarian ridership data collected locally (e.g. bicycle rides for commuting, running errands, transportation, etc.)

No File Uploaded

F14b. Recreational ridership data collected locally (e.g. rides solely for exercise or fun.)

No File Uploaded

F14c. Demographic ridership data collected locally (e.g. rider age, race, gender, etc.)

No File Uploaded

F14d. School ridership data collected locally (e.g. rides by or with K-12 or younger children – either riding on their own or being carried in a child seat, trailer, etc.)

No File Uploaded

F14e. Other ridership data (e.g. any other bicycle ridership data collected locally that doesn’t fall under the above categories.)

No File Uploaded

F15. Does your community establish target goals for bicycle use? (e.g. a certain level of bicycle mode share)


F16. Does your community routinely conduct pre/post bicycle mode share evaluations of bicycle-related road projects?


F17. Which of the following mechanisms are in place for bicyclists to identify problem areas or hazards to traffic engineers, planners, and police?

Online reporting system (e.g. SeeClickFix), Regular meetings, Contact staff directly via call/voicemail/fax/email/text/social media

F18. How has your community conducted a network analysis to evaluate current conditions for bicyclists and identify significant infrastructure barriers to bicycling?

GIS-based network analysis, Bicycle Level of Service for intersections

F19. Besides the Bicycle Friendly Community program, what other national programs does your community participate in to improve for bicycling?

None of the above

F20. Describe any other efforts by your community to evaluate and/or plan for bicycle ridership and/or networks.

1) The town has been participating in the Cape Cod Commission's Outer Cape Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan process, which is a collaboration between the three outer cape towns of Provincetown, Truro, and Wellfleet with the Commission and the Cape Cod National Seashore. The goals are to create a separated bike trail (where possible) to continue to the Cape Cod Rail Trail all the way to Provincetown and to aid the towns in developing local bike routes and end-of-trip facilities. The final report was issued in February 2017 and adopted in October 2017 as the Town's Master Plan by the Board of Selectmen.

2) A 2016 Parking & Circulation Study done for the town by the Cape Cod Commission identified a number of bicycle improvements, and three have already been implemented: additional bike racks, sharrows and bike lanes on Shank Painter Road, and sharrows on Conwell Street.