
B1. Does your community currently have any of the following policies in place?

None of the above

B2. Does your community have bicycle facility selection criteria that increases separation and protection of bicyclists based of levels of motor vehicle speed and volume?


B3. Does your community currently have any of the following policies in place that
promote shorter distances between homes and destinations? Check all that apply.

Mixed-use zoning or incentives

B4. Does your community currently have any of the following street design policies in place that promote a more comfortable cycling environment? Check all that apply.

Design manual that incorporates the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th Edition, Design manual that incorporates the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, Streetscape design guidelines

B5. Does your community currently have any of the following additional policies in place? Check all that apply.

Paid public car parking

B6. How do engineers and planners learn how to accommodate bicyclists according to
the most current AASHTO or NACTO standards? Check all that apply.

Webinars , Training by outside consultant/advocate, Require project consultants to have bike/ped qualifications

B7. What policies or programs increase the amount of end-of-trip facilities for bicyclists? Check all that apply.

Public uncovered bike racks, Bike valet parking available at community events , Public or private program that provides grants for bike racks or free bike racks upon request

B8. What, if any, end-of-trip facilities are available to the general public in your
community? Check all that apply.

Publicly accessible bicycle repair stations, Publicly accessible air pumps

B9. Do your standards for bicycle parking: Check all that apply.

Conform with APBP guidelines?,  Address the need for parking spaces for cargo bicycles?

B10. What percentage of public and private bike racks conform with APBP guidelines?


B11. Is there a program (e.g. publicly funded, public-private partnership, or
development regulation) that provides or increases bike parking at any of the following locations? Check all that apply.

Public & private schools (K-12), Libraries, Hospitals and medical centers, Parks & recreation
centers, Other government-owned buildings and facilities, Retail stores (excluding grocery stores),
Grocery stores, Subsidized or public housing

B12. Does your community have a rail transit or bus system?


B12a. Are bikes allowed inside transit vehicles, including buses? Check all that apply.

Folding bikes are allowed in folded position in buses

B12b. What percentage of buses are equipped with bike racks?


B12c. What percentage of transit stops are equipped with secure and convenient bike


B12d. Has your community made specific bicycle infrastructure investments around
major transit stops to improve accessibility?


Please describe any bicycle infrastructure investments around major transit stops that have improved accessibility.

Installation of over 75 bicycle parking spaces at the town center MacMillan Pier bus stop.

B12e. How are residents and visitors encouraged to combine cycling and public
transportation? Check all that apply.

Video describing bike rack use/how to store bikes inside a transit vehicle , Information on bike
racks/storage provided on transit schedules, Stickers on the outside of buses with bike racks that
say bicycles are welcome

B13. Are there any off-street facilities within your community’s boundaries that can be legally used by bicyclists?


Answer all that apply. (in miles)

Paved shared use paths (≥10 feet)
Paved shared use paths (≥ 8 and <10 feet)
Unpaved shared use paths (≥10 feet)
Unpaved shared use paths (≥ 8 and <10 feet)

B13b. Which of the following features are provided for bicyclists and pedestrians at off-street path crossings of roads with posted speed limits above 25 mph? Check all that apply.

Bike/pedestrian overpasses/underpasses, Raised path crossings, Path crossing with high visibility
markings/signs/ HAWK signals/ Rapid Flashing Beacons, Signalized crossings

B13c. What measures have been taken to improve the safety and convenience of
bicyclists on off-street paths? Check all that apply.

“Cut-throughs” that improve network connectivity for bicyclists (e.g. connecting dead-ends or cul-
de-sacs), Off-street way-finding signage with easily visible distance and/or riding time information
for bicyclists while riding, Signage or markings to designate right-of-way on shared-use paths,
Education/awareness campaign about shared-use path etiquette
As needed
Vegetation maintenance
As needed
Snow and ice clearance
Same time as roadways
Surface repair
Within one week of complaint

B14. What is the centerline mileage of your total road network (including federal, state,county and private roads)?

17  mi
(in centerline miles)

>25mph and ≤35mph

B16. Does your community have on-street bicycle facilities?


B16a. Are there any on-street bicycle facilities on roads with posted speeds of ≤ 25mph?


Answer in centerline miles. Write “0” if facility is not present in community.

Bike boulevards

Shared lane markings (not counted under Bicycle Boulevards)
1 mi

Wide paved shoulders (ridable surface ≥4 feet, and minimum clear path of ≥4 feet
between rumble strips)

1 mi

Bike lanes (incl. standard, contra-flow, left-side) (ridable surface ≥4 feet)
1 mi

Buffered bike lanes

Protected bike lanes (one-way or two-way)

Raised cycle tracks (one-way or two-way)

B16b. Are there any on-street bicycle facilities on roads with posted speeds of >25mph and ≤35mph?


B16c. Are there any on-street bicycle facilities on roads with posted speeds of >35mph?


Same time as other travel lanes

Snow and ice clearance
Same time as other travel lanes

Pothole maintenance/ surface repair
Within one week of complaint

B17. Within the last five years, has your community ever removed a bicycle facility
without an improved replacement?


B18. How has your community calmed traffic? Check all that apply.

Speed limits 20 mph or less on residential streets, Used lower design speeds when designing for
new roadways, Lane diets, Speed feedback signs/cameras, Car-free/Car-restricted zones, Shared
Space/Home Zone/Living Street/Woonerf

B19. In what other ways has your community improved riding conditions and amenities
for on-street bicyclists? Check all that apply.

Contra-flow bike lanes (e.g. a one-way bike lane installed heading the opposite direction of the
adjacent one-way street), Removal of on-street car parking, Signed bike routes, Bicycle-friendly
storm sewer grates

B20. Are there any signalized intersections in your community?


B20a. Which of the following accommodations are available at signalized intersections to improve conditions for bicyclists?

Push-buttons that are accessible from the road, Refuge islands, Right corner islands (“pork chops”)

B21. Does your community currently have a community-wide bike sharing program that
is open to the general public?

Launching in next 12 months

B21l. Expected launch date:


B21m. Please provide a link to your bike sharing program website.

B21n. What is the name of your city’s bike share program?

This is a private dockless bike share operated by VBikes, not a municipal program.

B21o. Who is involved in implementation of this program?


B21p. What type of system will your bike sharing program be?

GPS-enabled bike share system, Short-term bike rentals

B21q. How many bikes will be in the system?


B21r. How many stations will be in the system?


B21s. Will there be options for transporting children as passengers?


B21t. What specific efforts, if any, are being planned to make the bike sharing program accessible to low-income populations your community? Check all that apply.

Community outreach

B22. Which of the following bicycling amenities are available within your community
boundaries? Check all that apply

Bicycle-accessible skate park, Signed loop route(s) around the community

B23. Which of the following safety amenities are available in your community? Check all that apply

Street lighting on most arterials

B24. Describe any other policies, amenities, infrastructure improvements or maintenance programs that your community provides or requires that create a comfortable and attractive bicycling environment for bicyclists of all ages and abilities.

Two-way bicycle traffic signs along Commercial Street, bicycle parking signage, bike route signage
along Bradford Street for the Claire Saltonstall Bike Route (MA Bike Route 1), bike safety banners
during the summer season, bike safety reminder stickers on bike racks. Two public bike repair
stations will be installed in early spring 2018. We are also collaborating with town committees on
placement of new public drinking water fountains.