Bicycle Friendly Community Application
A. Community Profile
B. Engineering
C. Education
D. Encouragement
E. Enforcement & Safety
F. Evaluation & Planning
G. Final Overview
Supplementary Materials
D1. Which of the following community-wide bicycle encouragement programs or policies exist in your community? Check all that apply.
None of the above
D1a. Please provide links for any programs checked above:
D2. What other groups actively promote bicycling in the community? Check all that apply.
Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Board
D3. Does your community actively promote the League of American Bicyclists’ Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) or Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) programs in your community?
D4. What up-to-date mapping and route-finding information is available for your community? Check all that apply.
Web-based route finding service, Smart phone app, Printed/digital bicycle network map, Printed/digital greenways and trails map
D5. How is National Bike Month/your own dedicated Bike Month promoted in your community? Check all that apply.
Official Proclamation, Community-wide Bike to Work Day/Week, Bike to School Day/Week , Public Service Announcements, Videos promoting bicycling on community website/TV channel, Publish a guide or calendar of Bike Month Events, Bike Month Website, Bike valet parking at events
D6. How is bicycling promoted in your community outside of Bike Month? Check all that apply.
Community and charity rides, Videos on bicycling on community website/TV channel, Public Service Announcements, Triathlons and bicycle races, Bike valet parking at events
D7. Are any bicycle events specifically marketed to any of the following traditionally underrepresented groups? Check all that apply.
Low-income populations, LGBT+ community
D8. How does the municipality sponsor or actively support bicycle events in the community? Check all that apply.
Fund event(s), Contribute in-kind funding (i.e. police presence, closing roads, etc.), Assist in promoting event(s)
D9. Are any of the following cycling clubs/groups active in your community? Check all that apply.
Recreational bike clubs, LGBT+ ride groups
D10. Does your community have any of the following youth programs centered on encouraging bicycling for children and youth? Check all that apply.
Safe Routes to School program
D11. What is the ratio of for-profit specialty bicycle retailers (shops dedicated primarily to selling bikes and bike-related equipment) to population within your community’s boundaries?
1 shop for every 1 -15,000 residents
D12. Is there at least one bike co-op or non-profit community bike shop within the community’s boundaries?
D13. Describe any other events, programs or policies your community has to encourage bicycling.
There are 5 bicycle shops in town for the 2,900 year-round residents and the many visitors during the summer.