Bicycle Friendly Community Application
A. Community Profile
B. Engineering
C. Education
D. Encouragement
E. Enforcement & Safety
F. Evaluation & Planning
G. Final Overview
Supplementary Materials
C1. Do any public or private elementary schools offer regular bicycle education to students?
C1a. What percentage of your public and private elementary schools offer bicycle education?
C1b. What type of bicycle education is offered?
Optional on-bike education
C1c. Are bicycles provided to students by the school district, police, non-profit or other entity to allow every student the opportunity to participate in on-bike instruction?
No, bicycles are not provided
C2. Do any public or private middle schools offer regular bicycle education to students?
C2a. What percentage of your public and private middle schools offer bicycle education?
C2b. What type of bicycle education is offered?
Optional on-bike education
C2c. Are bicycles provided to students by the school district, police, non-profit or other
entity to allow every student the opportunity to participate in on-bike instruction?
No, bicycles are not provided
C3. Do any public or private high schools offer regular bicycle education to students?
N/A - No high schools
C4. Outside of schools, how are children and youth taught safe cycling skills? Check all
that apply.
Learn to ride classes, Bike clinics or rodeos, Helmet fit seminars, Summer camps
C5. Are bicycle safety or riding skills-related classes or hands-on instruction offered to adults in your community?
C5a. What type of classes are available for adults? Check all that apply.
Information sessions/workshops
C5b. What topics are covered in these classes? Check all that apply.
Bicycle maintenance, Sharing the road, trail, or path with vehicles or pedestrians
C5c. Who teaches these classes? Check all that apply.
Local bicycle advocate, Local law enforcement officer
C5d. On average, how often are these classes offered?
C5e. Are bicycles provided to adults by the community, police, non-profit or other entity
to allow every resident to participate in on-bike instruction?
C6. Which of the following communications methods are used to share bicycle
information with adults in your community? Check all that apply.
Community-wide public education campaign, Videos on community website/TV channel/social media, Bike-specific website or social media accounts for community, Community maps (print or digital), Handouts or brochures, Table or booth at community events
C7. Which of the following information is shared using the methods checked above?
Check all that apply.
Introduction to bicycling/Learn to ride/Bike handling basics, Safe riding skills/habits, Bicycle maintenance, Sharing the road, trail, or path with vehicles or pedestrians, Traffic laws/ rules of the road, Equipment, gear, and accessories, Theft prevention
C8. Do any of the above educational classes, resources, or programs for adults
specifically target any of the following traditionally-underrepresented groups? Check all
that apply.
Low-income populations , LGBT+ community
C9. In what ways have motorists in your community been educated on sharing the road
safely with bicyclists of all ages and abilities? Check all that apply.
Public service announcements, Community-wide public education campaign, Share the Road educational videos on community website/TV channel/social media, Community maps (print or digital), Share the Road, Bicycles May Use Full Lane, or other bicycle-related traffic signs
C10. Which of the following groups of professional drivers receive training that includes
information on sharing the road with bicyclists? Check all that apply.
Taxi drivers, Transit operators, Emergency vehicle drivers
C11. How many League Cycling Instructors are active (have taught a class in the last
year) in your community?
C12. Are any of the following educational materials published by the League of American Bicyclists provided to community residents and/or businesses?
Smart Cycling Education videos
C13. Describe any other education efforts in your community that promote safe cycling.
Every June, we reach out to summer J-1 work/study visa workers through a one-day bike safety event during WorldFest with a bike tune-up station, bike safety quiz, and free giveaways including bike lights, bells, and reflective ankle straps.