Route 6 Bike Trail Connector
This project by the Cape Cod National Seashore will connect the town’s planned Route 6 trail (part of the upcoming Shank Painter Road project) to the Province Lands Bike Trail at Herring Cove Beach (Google map). The trail is expected to be completed in the fall of 2023. (Also see the Beech Forest Trail Spur Replacement page for the other project being built under the same contract.)
Route 6 Bike Trail Connector
From the Cape Cod National Seashore:
This 4/10ths mile trail will connect to downtown Provincetown via Moors Road/aka Province Lands Road. Portions of this trail section will utilize the old roadbed next to Highway 6 from the park boundary west of Shank Painter Road to the intersection with Province Lands Road, and north to the Herring Cove Beach parking lot.
Approximately 800’ of the new trail will be built on the old roadbed using the old asphalt and base, if possible, for base of the new trail. Full depth reconstruction may be warranted where the roadbed exists due to pavement decay. The existing old roadbed is wider than the final trail width will be. Removal of excess material beyond the new trail location, and regrading/revegetation will be necessary. This section of trail will result in a standard 10-foot width with widened 1’ compacted gravel shoulders for a multi-use trail; removal of existing trees and shrubs adjacent to the trail/ paving/overlaying the entire surface; centerline striping; improving drainage in low areas to eliminate pooling of water after rainfall; and placing directional and safety signage as needed. The start of this trail section will tie into Route 6 and will end at the edge of pavement.
Approximately 1100’ of the new trail will be parallel to Province Lands Road and will be new trail through forest and sand dune type landscape. The end will tie into the existing roadway and include one motion-activated flashing beacons and crosswalk striping. This section has been located and staked prior to completion of the design. It will result in a new 10’ wide section of trail and will also include removal of adjacent trees and landscape as necessary for a proper clear and safety zone.
This section of trail will result in a standard 10-foot width for a multi-use trail; removal of existing trees and shrubs along the alignment as well as adjacent to the trail; excavating native material and placing base and asphalt; grading adjacent to the trail edges for drainage; centerline striping; improving drainage in low areas to eliminate pooling of water after rainfall; and placing direction and safety signage as needed.
October 2023
Construction resumed at the beginning of October, with an expected completion sometime in November.
May 2023
Initial site prep for the trail was completed in April. Construction will begin in the fall.
The discontinued lanes alongside Route 6 will be reused for the trail.
The new trail segment will follow along Race Point Road to the Herring Cove north parking lot and connect to the Province Lands Bike Trail.
March 2023
The Provincetown Conservation Commission voted in favor of the Seashore’s application at their hearing on March 7, 2023. Notice of Intent Filing (PDF); Meeting agenda (PDF)
February 2023
30% Engineering Drawings for Conservation Commission Review